Most Rev. Nazarene Soosai
Sixth Bishop of the Diocese of Kottar
On Saturday, the 20th May, 2017, corresponding to 15:30 hours, IST., Pope Francis’ appointment of Fr. Nazarene Soosai (54 years) to be the next Bishop of the Diocese of Kottar, India, was announced. He belongs to of the clergy of the Diocese of Kottar and was the parish priest of Kanniyakumari and Vicar Forane of Kanniyakumari Vicariate at the time of episcopal appointment.
Birth and Early Life
The Bishop Elect was born to Mr. Soosi and Mrs. Panipitchai as their 8th child at Rajakkamangalamthurai on 13th April 1963; baptized on 18thApril 1963; confirmed on 12th February1978 and ordained a priest on 2nd April, 1989 for the Diocese of Kottar.
Ecclesiastical Studies
He studied at St. Aloysius’ Minor Seminary, Nagercoil, (1978-1981) and completed his philosophical and theological studies at the Sacred Heart Seminary, Poonamallee, Chennai (1981-1989). He obtained his Master’s Degree in Political Science at the University of Madurai (1990-1992). He acquired his Licentiate Degree in Theology at the Catholic University of Leuven in Belgium (1998-2000) and his Doctorate in Theology at the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome (2000-2003). His doctoral dissertation was on “Salvation in no one else” : A contemporary reading of Acts 4:12. (21.11.2002). After his studies he was appointed as Professor of Theology and later as the Dean of Theology at the Sacred Heart Seminary, Poonamallee, Chennai (2003-2011).
He was successful in all his parish pastoral assignments and to him success meant ‘completion and fulfilment of his potential’ as a priest of God. The assignments in which people and priests still cherish his memory are :
24.05.1989–21.05.1990 : Assistant Parish Priest of Our Lady of Presentation Church, Colachel.
26.05.1990–26.05.1992 : Prefect of Studies at the Tamil Nadu Xavier Mission Home, Nagercoil, and Secretary of the Diocesan Commission for Vocations. 27.05.1992–04.06.1998 : Parochial Administrator of St. Helen’s Church, Enayam, and also from 08.11.1993 He served as Ecclesiastical Assistant of Christian Life Community and from 01.04.1996 and also as the Secretary of the Diocesan Priests’ Personnel Board.
From 05-03-2012, he was the Parish Priest of the Shrine of Our Lady of Ransom, Kanniyakumari; and from 26-05-2016, Vicar Forane of Kanniyakumari Vicariate.
Meanwhile, he taught as visiting Professor at Arul Kadal, Chennai, CRI Theological Institute, Bangalore, Madras University, Chennai, Sacred Heart Seminary, Poonamallee, Chennai, Salesian Theological Institute, Chennai, and St. Paul’s Seminary, Tiruchirapalli.
From 01-07-2013 he was a Member of the College of Consultors; and from 15.01.2014 Secretary of the Council of Priests/Senate in the Diocese of Kottar.
Episcopal Consecration
Episcopal Ordination of Msgr. Nazarene Soosai took place on 29th June 2017 at 5.00 p.m. in the premises of Bishop’s House, Asaripallam Road, Nagercoil – 629001, Kanniyakumari District, Tamil Nadu, India.
The principal Consecrator to ordain Msgr. Nazarene Soosai as Bishop of Kottar was His Excellency, Most Rev. Peter Remigius, the Emeritus Bishop of Kottar Diocese and the Co-Consecrators were His Grace Antony Pappusamy, Archbishop of Madurai Archdiocese, and His Excellency, Most Rev. Eugene Josph, Bishop of Varanasi diocese.
The Diocese of Kottar rejoices and wishes him ad multos annos.